What's New in Propel Rx 2.0

This topic is intended for Independent pharmacies only and is not applicable to Rexall pharmacies.

Propel Rx 2.0 introduces new layouts for Propel Rx Reports, Half labels, and Daily Laser labels. Enhancements have also been made that affect the integration between Propel Rx and the Newfoundland and Labrador Drug Information System (NL DIS). This release is only applicable to Newfoundland and Labrador stores.

Select the hyperlinks below for more information.


Sunsetted Reports

The Propel Rx Reports list has been condensed. Reports with low usage or for which suitable alternatives exist have been sunsetted. For a complete list of sunsetted reports, select the dropdown below.

Layout Changes

The Propel Rx Reports layout has been updated to:

  • Reduce the number of windows that preclude the generation of a report.

  • Allow you to quickly locate a report from a list.

  • Allow you to switch between reports easily.

Approximately half of the reports have migrated over to the new layout. The remaining reports will open in the old, existing layout. For a summary of layout changes, see Reports Comparison.

Half and Daily Laser Labels

Printing Logic

The Half and Daily Laser label printing logic have been enhanced as follows:

  • Matching label sets now print together (e.g., prescription labels print together followed by Additional Instructions then methadone supplementary labels, etc.).

  • When a prescription is refused, the following prints:

    • A cancelled hard copy if the prescription was refused only.

    • A Hold label set if the prescription was refused and placed on Hold.

    • No label prints if the prescription (first fill) was refused and removed from Profile.

  • When more than one label page is printed for a prescription (i.e., more than 2 vial labels are requested), any auxiliary labels in the Drug Folder that were not printed on the first page will print on the first 3 auxiliary positions of the subsequent pages. The fourth and fifth auxiliary labels for Half labels will always be the same as the first page.

  • Information is printed on the 4th Half label auxiliary label or 3rd Daily Laser auxiliary label according to the following hierarchy:

    1. Auxiliary label or Rx barcode

    2. Beyond Use Date and Lot Number (for mixtures)

    3. Accucount (DIN) barcode (if Print Accucount Barcode on Aux Label #4 is ON for Half labels only)

    4. Retail packager (Rx) barcode (if the packager is configured to print labels in Workflow Preferences and the Drug Folder is set up with the packager)

    You can view the hierarchy by hovering over the auxiliary label position in Label Preferences.

    For Half label owe balances, a retail packager barcode does not print and the Beyond Use Date and Lot Number must always be entered manually.

Half Label Preferences

The Label Preferences window has been reorganized so it's easier to identify which sections of the label a preference applies to. New preferences have been added which allow new information to print on the label or change the look of existing information that prints. Some preferences have been defaulted ON and removed from view.

For more information on the changes to Half Label Preferences, select the dropdowns below.

Daily Laser Preferences

Similar to the Half Label Preferences, Daily Laser Preferences have been organized under sections based on which part of the label they affect. New preferences have been added which allow new information to print on the label or change the look of existing information that prints. Some preferences have been defaulted ON and removed from view.

For more information on the changes to Daily Laser Preferences, select the dropdowns below.

Layout Changes

New information has been added to the Half label to support patient care. Existing information has been reorganized. For more information on the changes made in each label section, review the table below or click here for a full label comparison.

The Daily Laser label mimics the new layout of the Half label. Changes described below for the Half label also apply to the Daily Laser label unless otherwise specified.

Label Section Description of Changes Half Label Sample Daily Laser Sample
Vial See Vial Label Comparison.

Methadone Supplementary Label

See Methadone Supplementary Label Comparison.

Not applicable for Daily Laser.
Hard Copy

See Hard Copy Comparison.

Narcotic Pickup Receipt See Narcotic Pickup Receipt Comparison. Not applicable for Daily Laser.
Privacy Label See Privacy Label Comparison. Not applicable for Daily Laser.
Patient Care See Patient Care Comparison.
Medication Record See Medication Record Comparison.
Official Receipt See Official Receipt Comparison.


For detailed information on Propel Rx integration with DIS, see Newfoundland and Labrador DIS User Guide.

For a summary of changes, select the dropdowns below.